Sunday, March 25, 2012

Just A Few Pots

"Just A Few Pots " is another story about pouring paint. After several attempts to succeed at this process I had an opportunity to demo my new found joy.  Crazy maybe, but it sure was fun.  My policy is do not expect to much and be happy with what you get.
This was done by having the image of the pots sketched on the paper, then I proceeded with the process.  When poured to my liking and dried, I separated the pots and made the work believable. A few embellishments and it was a great evening of entertainment and a learning experience for all.

Remember paint, paint, paint.

It's A Lovely Pour

Isn't it lovely?  This is the result of a pouring of paint that had a mind of its own.  I have fallen in love with the technique and have found the process to be very satisfying as long as I stay focused on the paint doing the work.   I began by choosing three of my favorite colors,  (these change occasionally) . I mix paint and water in a small cup or lid, when this is the right strength, I must remember that I am using lots of water, so the paint needs to be stronger.  I mix each color.  Sometimes I have an image in mind, other times I just pour paint,

This is one that I just started the pour. Wetting the paper completely, just before it loses its gloss I begin the pouring.  Yellow, then Red and last the Blue. After it dries  I can pour again if I need more  density.
The image of the flower just jumped out.  It doesn't always happen that way. When the painting is dry and can determined the image I then began to negative paint around the flower and make my image more believable.
This process is a nice way to stay loose and not be to stressed in the creation of the work.
The best way  to explore  new process is to ask your self "what if".   Love this and have more experiments to share, but that is for tomorrow or another day.
Be Creative, and Be Happy.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


JUST ANOTHER IRIS,   Oh, I just love Iris and love to paint them.  I have my  husband to thank for all the Iris in the beds and now that they are coming up and will soon be in bloom again, I shall do more Iris.

In surveying the yard and flower beds it looks as though I soon shall have all kinds of good subjects to paint.  In plein aire,  So grab your paints and brushes and get out into that spring time.  Today is beautiful.

To day is a day the Lord has made be glad and rejoice in it.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Vase and Grapes

This is a favorite still life of mine.  I enjoyed the  process very much and all the different textures.  I especially  enjoyed doing the glass and purple is a favorite color of mine.  The white /yellow of the grapes for contrast and the leaf color.  The doily was a crochet piece and the fun of this was just to paint the holes.  There is little to no color in the background,  I have found that in still life sometimes backgrounds seem to make the painting a bit  busy and the subject is lost.  I did however mingle and dribble the paint in the foreground to suggest a table.   I find that to make the subject most interesting, there should be less detail in the surrounding area of the art work.  Experiment with shapes, sizes, textures and color.  Have fun.